Mapping Sanquous

When I started writing The Key of Ornoss it became clear early on that much of the story was set in this amazing other world, Sanquous, the eternal plain. As the tale unfolded and Cal began her journey across this strange and wonderful land, I could picture the scenes and landscapes that she encountered. PickingContinue reading “Mapping Sanquous”

Stories matter

It’s easy to dismiss stories, to think them unimportant, something for casual entertainment or idle amusement but it’s worth remembering, it wasn’t always so. Every time we stretched ourselves across the globe, explored new continents and visited far off lands we came across peoples, vastly different in culture and heritage to ourselves. In learning aboutContinue reading “Stories matter”

Okay, so who are you again?

I always had a sneaking suspicion that when writers were developing characters, they based them on people they know. I’m sure more than one friend or relative of a writer has scanned the pages of their latest work hoping or perhaps dreading to find themselves characterised in text. It was something of surprise to meContinue reading “Okay, so who are you again?”